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Wiki Style Sheet

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The Wiki Style Sheet is a file for controlling the fonts and colors of the pages in this wiki site. The file is named wiki.css and it can be optionally posted together with wiki.asp.

There is a file wiki.css.ieonly which works on browser with DTHML capability, you may use instead of the default wiki.css. To do this you need to rename wiki.csss to sometime and then rename wiki.css.ieonly to wiki.css ~ Elrey Ronald 3/20/2005

This stylesheet file is optional. If wiki.css is not present, the pages will use the default styles and colors.

Here is a simple example of what the wiki.css will look like.

  body,input,form {
     font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
     font-size: 10pt;
     bgcolor: yellow; 
  h4 { color:black; background: Peachpuff  }
  h3 { border-bottom:  1px solid lightblue; color:#446688; }
  h2 { color:black; background:PaleTurquoise}
  h1 { font-family: arial narrow, helvetica, sans-serif; }
  td , table { border: black 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse; padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px}
  pre {margin-left:10; margin-right:10; background:whitesmoke }

How about the styles for tables in your wiki?
Three color styles for table rows are possible using style sheet - just add these line to your CSS file.

 .Tableclass { background-color: #f8f8f8; border: #505050 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse;font-size: 10pt; }
 .Tablecell{ border-collapse: collapse;border: #909090 1px solid;
           padding-left: 6px;padding-right: 6px; padding-bottom: 3px; font-size: 10pt; }
 .Tablerow1 { background-color: #DAE1F9 ; border: #505050 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse;	 font-size: 10pt; }
 .Tablerow2 { background-color: #FFEACC ; border: #505050 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse;	 font-size: 10pt; }
 .Tablerow3 { background-color: #EDF8ED ; border: #505050 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse;	 font-size: 10pt; }

What is this wiki site using right now?


How about a minimal wiki.css example?
See also this site http://a.1asphost.com/lambda326/wiki/wiki.asp which uses mimimal css style. Download the css of that site by http://a.1asphost.com/lambda326/wiki/wiki.css (seems a 404 on mai 19th 2005)

[1]Only the wiki website administrator can modify this file.