![]() | Comments And Suggestions |
[1] Wiki Words don't work inside a table |
[2] Help! Somebody messed up my page (i.e. vandalism). How can I prevent it? |
[3] How about if massive vandalism is done in my site? |
[4] What if my website has a different location for db, say outside the root folder. How do I make Wiki Asp work? |
[5] Alternate way of Creating Pages (even non Wiki Word ones)====Suggestion to add link for new pages |
[6] Non-Existent Pages |
[7] Version List |
[8] National Characters |
[9] Removing a page |
[10] The .css file provided in the downloadable ZIP file had a couple of minor errors in it. Using the freely downloadable [TopStyle Lite |
[11] I am using an RSS reader/aggregator and it is able to get the feeds correctly but My RSS links are not working. |
[12] Tables are nice but I can not span columns, etc., why? |
[13] Orphan Checking? |
[14] How do I create an image link? |
[15] I always get the "File is being edited by another user" Error message while saving. |
[16] Is there a code espaping tag to display html code in pages ? I saw a "" on other wikis... |
[17] I would love to see a feature whereby you could rollback to an older version of a page in the event that someone were to inadvertently |
[18] I tried to run Wiki Asp on our Intranet. Unfortunately, 3 out of 4 times I get an error: |
[19] Thank you, and Thank you for the plug! It's a pleasure to use this most excellent code as it works just great!! Cheers - Mark @ |
[20] |
[21] I tried to use this Wiki on an intranet server, but it did not function, I got this error message: |
[22] I find Wiki Asp the easiest to use, easiest to install, and very flexible ASP version today. I got int Google search and typed |
[23] I tried to install this on a domaindlx server. However, when I try to access the wiki.asp, I get an error message: |
Update: I found my own answer. There needs to be space between the opening || and the text. See the following:
WikiAsp | That didn't create a hyperlink |
Wiki Asp | That worked! |
~ElreyRonald 02/25/2005
~ElreyRonald 02/25/2005
I have just designed an automated Backup-admin ASP-script, using FileSystemObject. Check it out and give comment.
~ Daniel 06/06/2005
Answer: All you have to do is to change the program variables in line 53 and 54. See the highlighted portion in the Snapshot 1 below. In this configuration, the site has its MSACESS db files located at database folder and the physical location of the root is D:/CLIENTS/C241/JOHEDOE.COM
Here is a method to create a page called "new age two":
The method above is another way to create a page, even if it NOT a Wiki Word. Thanks for the tip. - ElreyRonald |
Yes, you are absolutely correct and the CSS class NoWikiYet is used to control it. Developers will find this as being more useful format-wise rather than just linking the last character only A SIDE NOTE about this comment: I have to use the Six Single Quote hack to prevent the word (NoWikiYet) from being displayed as Wiki word links here. ElreyRonald 12/06/2004 |
Do you have a release or version list somewhere. I get confused about the versions and what they do. 1.523, 1.525a, 1.525b /Sven |
Sorry for the confusion. Right now I don't really keep track of it aside from VSS - Elrey Ronald. |
Please download the corrected program (ZIP file) now! Somehow these special characters were deleted when I uploaded the program. Basically, If you need to use your national characters you should modify the program and stuff these in the patterns just like below. The function to look for is Walkwiki |
SPECIAL NOTE: It seems to me that this may only work depending on the host server you are using. Bjarne's web host seems working as well has the DOMAINDLX.COM host. This site, for some reasons that I do not know, fails to properly handle special characters. I suggest trying it out at DOMAINDLX.COM ~ Elrey Ronald 11/24/2004 |
I run the correct program on a Windows IIS webserver and links don't work. Earlier I saw somewhere that not only the table with national characters was added in the code but also a section with something like below. I added below to my code and now it works. Maybe you should add it to the explanations on other pages also. It is in the current downloadable code. /Sven 2004-12-06 |
gRE.Pattern = "([A-ZÄÖÜÆØÅ][a-zäöüæøå]+)([A-ZÄÖÜÆØÅ][a-zäöüæøå]+)+"
The page Features And Changes. On item number 9, it describes how this is done. |
-- Harry Criswell [2004-10-19]
Thanks for pointing these out! - Elrey Ronald 10/19/2004 |
1. Open the wiki.asp program, go to line 34 (approximately) 2. Replace "http://yoursitehere" with the correct domain. For example "http://w.domaindlx.com/mysite"
There are endless ways to enhance the table feature like centering, justify-right or left, cell coloring instead of row coloring, header , etc. but for now I will leave these for others to tinker on the code for their own use and if they think they wrote it as good addition,pls. let me know. I will gladly incorporate it in Wiki Asp and credits will be given. I've always think a good wiki should be simple and usable. A good measure to see if you are not over-marking up (too much formatting, that is), is when you can still reasonaly read the content when you are in EDIT mode. Also, Let's avoid code bloating. --ElreyRonald 10/13/2004 |
None at the moment. But that would be a nice feature to add -- Elrey Ronald |
[ image:http://weblogs.asp.net/images/xml.gif |http://www28.brinkster.com/lambda326/wiki.asp?db=WikiAsp&a=rss]
will look like this click-able image...
This error message indicates that someone has edited the current page while you are working on it. Clicking on the link will get the fresh page. If you still can not save the page, it may mean that the browser has cached the input. To correct this, you must HIT REFRESH in the browser while you are on the EDIT page. Also be sure that your WIKI.ASP version has the following code (located on the first lines to prevent cache). - Elrey Ronald |
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache" Response.Expires = -1
" on other wikis...
Wiki engines traditionally do not process HTML tags. If you are using too much formatting or even html, it makes editing complex and readability is compromised. Quickness ('wiki' in short) and simplicity is what makes a wiki great. Otherwise, use a full editor or blogging program instead. - see Wiki Sand Box ~ Elrey Ronald |
The history would discourage vandalism also - Elrey Ronald |
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005', Unspecified error, /WikiASP/Wiki.asp, line 836.
This error will show up from time to time in a shared web hosting environment for any website that is using a Microsoft Access database. This error does not mean that the webserver has really ran out of system resources. This is a generic error when using Access databases. Take a look at this M.S. Knowledgebase~ Elrey Ronald |
BTW, A new site is using Wiki Asp!!! Thanks. http://www.datacentres.org.uk/datacentres/wiki.asp - Elrey Ronald |
If you -_patiently_- looked further, you might have found it in my Elrey Ronald page. Can you sign your remarks and put it on Comments And Suggestions page? ~ Elrey Ronald |
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A139A), Unexpected quantifier, /USR/wiki/wiki.asp, line 256
gRE.Pattern = pattern & "([^\n]{0,}?)" & pattern ' kgreiner workingText= gRE.Replace(workingText, "<" & tag & ">$1" & tag & ">")
This is Visual Basic Error. Be sure to have the right VB Runtime components in the server. That line is depending on VBScript.Regexp object to do its work. I would suggest upgrading VB runtime, although I've never done this. -ElreyRonald 1-25-2004 |
Thanks - Elrey Ronald |